
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Love For Teenagers

When you're young, like I am. You have to learn to make the best of your time. These days people get so caught up in their relationships. They put everything, emotionally into it. Then when it doesn't work they break down. I know, I've been there. I think that yes you should put emotion and care into any relationship and yes even at a young age you should have a relationship. It teaches you things you need to know and they are easier to learn earlier in life. The problem is the break down even children feel after the relationship has ended. They take on emotional stress, more than anyone their age should have to handle. The worst part is if they have to handle it alone. I know this from experience. I've had it go both ways. I've had to deal with the end of a relationship alone and it was horrible. It was still horrible the time I had people there for me but it was much less so. The point there is that you should help people who are hurting. Even in the smallest of ways, it will mean the world to them, like those things meant to me. Now I try to stay strong and be myself through everything. I think that is a smart thing to do, I admit it isn't easy but it hurts so much less if you do. I just can't be completely dependent on the person I'm with, I know it sounds easy but for a lot of people its not and it took me a long time to do. Anyone can do it though. They aren't everything, you don't need them, you can find someone else. There are billions of people in the world to chose from, you don't need the one that makes you suffer, they aren't worth it. I promise you. My point in this is to tell you that you have to stay strong and keep your composure through everything, or try, don't get caught up in things like I used to. For example I promised myself I wouldn't let my boyfriend make me cry, and I won't because I promised. I do love him though, I just need to keep that boundary so I can keep my strength. Its all about what YOU need to work on, this is what I need to help me. What do you need to help you get through the trials of life? The trials so many struggle and suffer through.

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