
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ronald Joseph Radke

Okay I decided to dedicate this post to my idol, Ronnie Radke. I Love the guy. He's been through so much and still manages to fight his way back to the top. For anyone who doesn't know who Ronnie Radke is the former lead singer of a rock band called Escape the Fate. It is said he went to prison for so many months for being involved in a fight were a man was killed. Though I have heard what I believe to be the real reason. He was kicked out of the band Escape the Fate for using drugs (Which is hypocritical because the bass player sold them to him and did them himself). He couldn't make a living because one, he was a drug addict and two, the way he looked he couldn't get a job anywhere. There for he couldn't afford the rehab he needed and had a hard time finding a ride to his probation officers (for the fight). That all resulted in so many months in prison. There he recuperated and got his mind straight. He no longer does drugs, he has written several lyrics to songs in jail and he is now out and has been since late last year (2010). He now has a band named Falling in Reverse, formerly known as Behind these Walls (It was named that because he was trying to make his music in prison).  Okay now you know Ronnie Radke and you probably know more about him than most of his "fans" do. Anyway I dedicated this post to him because he taught me a few things like:
  • Never give up
  • No matter what you go through you can make it out
  • Be careful who you trust because not everyone is trustworthy
  • No matter what you're background you can work your way up
  • You always have your real friends no matter what
And those are just a few things... I Love you Ronnie Radke!

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