
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Gender Issues

No this entry is not insulting bisexual or homosexual people. It is about my own gender issues. Truthfully I'm a supporter of gay rights and its just plan stupid that they don't have the rights straight people do. I mean there is no difference! They just love their own kind there is NOTHING wrong with that and it doesn't affect straight people in anyway so you homophobes need to just get over it. I don't care if you are the one person who actually reads my blog! Get over it! They aren't hurting anybody. It just stupid that people condemn what they don't understand. ANYWAY... On to the reason for the title. I have gender issues of my own. You see I like both girls and guys, simply because I just like them as people not for any hormonal reasoning. Of course I do find them both attractive, more so girls than guys but still. I kind of still like guys but I like girls more. I want to be able to be sweet and flirty with girls without getting dirty looks. I don't mean just to people I know go that way. Maybe it's just my confidence level. :/ I just want to change. In appearance. I don't know what to do. I say gender confused because my first thought after I decided to change how I look was to look like a boy... I'm just so confused. Well If you are reading this and have any advice I would love to hear it. Thank you lovely people for reading this, I love you. I'll be sure to make another entry explaining how things went.

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