
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why must teenagers blogs be so confusing?

I looked up people who liked the same bands as me on here. It was kind of an accident, when I clicked the band I thought it would take me to like an internet search on them or something... But nope. Just some people on Blogger that liked that band as well. I thought, heck why not! Lets see what this blogging thing is all about, maybe I'll learn a few things. Nope! I just got completely and utterly confused. I mean their blogs all looked like inside jokes to me. Yet NO ONE commented on them so bad inside jokes I guess? Yeah all I know is that didn't help me figure out what to put on my blog... I think I'll just stick with my random topics that probably no one wants to hear about anyway. seriously, I didn't want to hear about how two boys were fighting over this one girl... And it wasn't even like a story it was just, "OMG (insert random boy name here) and (Insert weaker random boy name here) are going to get into a fight... nag nag nag..." I was like well I COULD be interested in this if I knew what the HECK was going on, but NO! Not to mention all the blog entries consisted of 2 sentences or less. I was like, really? The extent of all of your thoughts is two sentences... okay then, bye bye.

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