
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What others think

I think teenagers spend to much of their life on trying to impress others when they should just be finding out what makes THEM happy. Personally I know that it is true because I see my friends do it, I see people at school do it, and I have done this as well. In reality we will all eventually find out that it doesn't matter what others think of you and it never has and never will. I'm afraid that some people find this out much to late and waste so much time just trying to please people that will never like you no matter what you do. I know its not just me because if that wasn't the case make up wouldn't be so popular and those tight, revealing, and/or uncomfortable clothes wouldn't either. Personally, I do where make up sometimes but only when I'm bored and do it to make myself happy with how I look. If I did it to impress others my mom wouldn't look at me like I had ten heads every time I put an outfit together. I don't look 'sexy' and I don't want to. I look crazy, weird and like myself and that is exactly how I want to look. I just wish other people could realize that you should just be yourself, not just in personality but in every aspect of yourself. I understand you want to fit in but don't you want people to like you for who you are as well? I know I do. I'd rather have three friends that like me for me then a thousand that like me for who I pretend to be. This is me and you are you and if you don't like me there is nothing you can do. I will never change and neither should you.

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