
This is a Blog full of my inner most thoughts and opinions. Some times there are deeper then others, its just how my mind works.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Online personalities

Has anyone else noticed that people are different online then in real life. I don't mean visually. I mean there are a butt load of perverts all over the internet but could you imagine meeting the offline? I'm willing to bet any money that they won't be as rude, obnoxious, and perverted as they were online. Just because you meet someone online doesn't mean they want what you got. Really like me, personally, I don't. I'll admit guys are the worst but girls do it too. Believe me, I've had a few girls be the same way. In person though, people are nothing like that. That makes me wonder if like my best friend could be one of those freaks. Of course not my BEST friend, I stalk him so I would know... But that is another story, for another time... another post. Anyway, I'm just saying you're boyfriend/girlfriend could do that! You wouldn't know! I mean I know a guy who does it. Though he is pretty nice... Still flirting with random girls and being all dirty even on the internet is cheating. It's just not right. Being disrespectful like that isn't right either. It just makes me feel like the internet is filled with nothing but nasty perverts. I really hope that isn't true because the internet wasn't made for corruption like this...

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